Physical Education/ Health
What You Need to Know
How will I be graded?
- Physical participation in class
Canvas assignments
What is physical education?
- It is fitness-based, no team sports.
Jump ropes will be used frequently.
What do I need to bring?
- It is recommended that students have their own speed rope.
PE clothing:
Students will need to come to class with comfortable clothing that will allow freedom of movement. Levi’s, skinny jeans and skirts/dresses will limit body movement.
Students will also be required to wear athletic shoes.
What You Need to Know
The Human Development Unit REQUIRES a signed consent form, which is different from the Health Disclosure. Both will be sent home during the first week of class.
Some of the topics in my class can be very personal. (i.e. suicide, mental illnesses, chronic disease, drugs, body image, etc.) Because of this, some homework assignments will be asking parents/guardians to have conversations with their students about the given topic.